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日期:2015-04-15 15:57:40 阅读:  来源:天维网编译

  天维网4月15日综合报道 近日,一组由新西兰摄影师Amos Chapple作品在网上引发广泛关注,这组借助无人驾驶机拍下的航拍图从截然不同的角度记录下了世界各地的历史遗迹和城市面向。  据悉,自2003年起,Amos Cha

  天维网4月15日综合报道 近日,一组由新西兰摄影师Amos Chapple作品在网上引发广泛关注,这组借助无人驾驶机拍下的航拍图从截然不同的角度记录下了世界各地的历史遗迹和城市面向。

  据悉,自2003年起,Amos Chapple开始进入新西兰最大的日报工作,在2年的新闻摄影师工作之后,他“改换跑道”,成为了UNESCO一名拍摄世界历史遗迹的全职摄影师,2012年,他转为自由摄影师,并持续在世界各地旅行。自那之后,Amos Chapple便开始在世界各地的知名媒体上刊发照片,如今,他已是Guardian、The Atlantic和Italian Vanity Fair的常规供稿者。

  以下,就是Amos Chapple拍下的这组惊艳大片:

Barcelona, Spain

The Eixample district of the city with the Sagrada Familia cathedral, centre, designed by Antoni Gaudí. The octagonal city blocks were designed to allow light and space on the street corners.

Trieste, Italy

The Vittoria Light, overlooking the Gulf of Trieste as a storm approaches at sunset. “The first job is finding somewhere out of the way to launch from, then you’re at the mercy of the weather. Dramatic skies are great, but it can’t be raining or windy.. There was a lot of waiting around.”

Bourtange, Netherlands

The star fort. Three centuries after the last cannonball was fired in anger at the fort, it now serves as a museum and centre of a sleepy farming village in eastern Holland. The low, thick walls were designed to offset the pounding force of cannonfire.


Russian holidaymakers on the beach. “I try to avoid having it anywhere near people, but the shot in Abkhazia was taken after I saw some other guys flying a small drone above the beach - there was so much noisy commercial activity on the beach that it passed as just another gimmick.”

The Katskhi Pillar, Georgia

A Georgian hermit has lived there for the past twenty years to be ‘closer to god.’

Yerevan, Armenia

The giant statue of Mother Armenia. “It’s always best working in the less touristy places, then showing the locals the images. One of my best friends lives in Armenia, Showing him and his friends this image was almost emotional. You could really feel the pride they had in having their city represented in a unique way.”

Paris, France

Sacré-Cœur glowing in a hazy sunrise.

Tbilisi, Georgia

The Mtkvari River winds through the elegant capital city.

Budapest, Hungary

Buda castle on August 20th, St Stephen’s Day, which is Hungary’s national day. The barge moored in the centre of the Danube is loaded with fireworks, launched later that night to celebrate.

Magdeburg, Germany

A barge chugs along the Magdeburg Water Bridge. The canal aqueduct passes over the Elbe river in the east of Germany.

Barcelona, Spain

Clouds swirl through the pillars of The Temple Expiatori del Sagrat Cor Church, on the summit of Mount Tibidabo. Twenty minutes later a thunderstorm hit the city.

Istanbul, Turkey

Mosques dominate the skyline as a freighter sails for the Sea of Marmara.

Budapest, Hungary

The windswept Liberty Statue, overlooking the city.

Amos Chapple的个人官网请移步://www.amoschapplephoto.com/

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