日期:2012-11-08 09:42:22 阅读: 来源:霍建强议员办公室
很清楚,过去3个月以来我国全职就业人数的下跌是国家党糟糕的经济管理所造成的系列后果之一。 工党财经事务发言人大卫帕克指出:国家党没能兑现其所谓增加17万工作岗位、打造光明未来的诺言,令新西兰人大失所
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Spokesperson for Finance
6 November 2012 MEDIA STATEMENT
Full time jobs drop shows National’s failures
The consequences of National’s economic mismanagement are clear with full-time employment falling over the last three months under this Government, says Labour’s Finance spokesperson David Parker.
“National’s failure to live up to its promises of a brighter future with 170,000 more jobs is a disappointment for New Zealanders. In the last three months alone, jobs numbers have dropped by 2,800.
“Every week John Key and Bill English claim their hands-off approach to the economy is working, but full-time employment is down. That’s putting more families under ever more pressure, with many barely keeping their heads above water.
“No wonder a thousand Kiwis are leaving for Australia every week.
“And the jobs are being lost in critical areas. Contrary to National’s claim, manufacturing jobs are down by 5,700 in a year, even when primary processing is included. Outside of manufacturing of primary products, the position is even worse, as today's announcement from Rakon shows.
“With full-time employment falling there’s little hope for Kiwis wanting to get ahead. National’s economy isn’t working for hard-working New Zealanders.
“Kiwis deserve better. National stands by and refuses to make the changes New Zealand needs - pro-growth tax reform, universal KiwiSaver, and changes to our Reserve bank Act to help exporters. Its hands-off approach is not working, despite the enormous rebuild underway in Christchurch.
“Labour will be hands-on. We will work with businesses, workers and communities to create opportunities, advance new ideas and get New Zealanders working for a just wage again.
“We have the economic vision and changes needed to get our economy moving.”
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