国家党发出一封邮件 44.4%的新西兰人不忍看
作者: RyRy 日期:2017-10-21 09:15:37 阅读: 来源:天维网编译
【天维网 10月21日 据国家党】 周五下午,国家党党主席给该党的支持者们群发了一份邮件,承诺56位议员组成的国家党将是“国会历史上最大、最有效的反对党”,“仍将持续努力工作”,保证“国家不会倒退”,信是这样写的:
Members and supporters like you are the backbone of our Party, and I want to thank you for your continued support, encouragement, and most importantly, your passion. 像你们这样的成员和支持者是我党的脊梁,我要为你们持续的支持、参与,以及最重要的——热情表示感谢。 I’m extremely proud of what Bill English and National achieved at the Election with nearly one in every two New Zealanders backing our Party’s vision for a stronger economy, a more open and confident nation, while addressing many of the most difficult social issues our country faces. 我也为Bill English和国家党在选举中成绩感到非常骄傲,几乎每2个新西兰人,就有1个支持我们,支持我们创造一个更强经济、一个更开放和更自信国家的景愿,同时也关注许多我们国家面临的困难问题。 Over the last nine years, we can be proud of our achievements in Government. New Zealand has an economy that is the envy of the developed world, we have more people in jobs, and our regions are growing strongly. 在过去的9年里,我们可以为我们执政的成果感到骄傲。新西兰现在的经济可以令其他发达国家称羡,我们有更多的人就业,我们各地区经济成长强劲。 While we have not achieved government this time, our fight is not over, and it never will be. Our 56 MPs will be the largest and most effective opposition our Parliament has ever seen. We will continue to work hard to ensure that every New Zealander has a voice, and that our great country does not go backwards. 尽管我们这次未能取得执政,但是奋斗并没有停止,也永远不会。我们56位议员将组成国会历史上最强大、最有效的反对党。我们仍将持续努力工作,以保证每一个新西兰人有自己的声音,保证我们伟大的国家不后退。 As a party, National remains the strongest, most popular, and well organised political party in New Zealand. And it is that unity and strength that we will take into holding this new government to account for the decisions it makes. 作为一个政党,国家党仍然是新西兰最强大、支持最多,以及组织良好的政党。正是这种团结和力量,会让我们有制约新政府决策的力量。 Over a million voters put their trust in the National Party at the election. They voted for a confident and aspirational New Zealand, and we will not let them down. 在这次选举中,超过100万投票这把信任交给了国家党。他们为了一个自信、有抱负的新西兰而投票,我们不愿让他们失望。 Sincerely, Peter Goodfellow 彼得·古德费洛 President
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