新西兰数百所中小学人满为患 全国超负荷学校名单出炉
作者: Jackie Shan 日期:2017-05-25 05:25:03 阅读: 来源:天维网编译
At or over capacity
- Helensville School (135%)
- Rowandale School (127%)
- Waitoki School (126%)
- Gladstone School (120%)
- Clendon Park School (119%)
- Finalyson Park School (117%)
- Dominion Road School (114%)
- Cambells Bay School, Stanmore Bay School (113%)
- Freyberg Community School, Waterview School, Panmure Bridge School (110%)
- Waipipi School (109%)
- Rutherford School, Torbay School, Peninsula Primary School (108%)
- Onehunga Primary School, Owairoa School, Ridgeview School (106%)
- Bairds Mainfreight Primary School, Green Bay Primary School, Bailey Road School (105%)
- Waimauku School (104%)
- Laingholm School, Stonefields School, Warkworth School (103%)
- Oranga School, Fairburn School, Devonport School, Manurewa School, Beachlands School (102%)
- Grey Lynn School, Rosehill Intermediate, St Heliers School, Homai School (101%)
- Waiau Pa School, Whangaparaoa School, Wellsford School, Glendowie School, Browns Bay School (100%)
At risk of overcrowding
- Manurewa West School (99%)
- Western Heights School, Mauku School, Waikowhai School, Riverhead School, Oteha Valley School (98%)
- Royal Road School, Ellerslie School, Pukekohe Intermediate, Don Buck School, Manurewa Intermediate (97%)
- Reremoana Primary School, Mission Heights Primary School, Windy Ridge School, Mt Albert School, Te Wharekura o Manurewa, Upper Harbour Primary School, Mt Albert Grammar School, Sylvia Park School, Glen Innes School (96%)
- Balmoral School, Pakuranga Heights School, Wymondley Road School, Glenavon School (95%)
- Pt England School, Henderson School, Prospect School, Weymouth School, Papatoetoe School (94%)
- Willow Park School, Rosebank School, Conifer Grove School, Rodney College, Awhitu District School, Pukekohe High School, Northcote Intermediate, Birkenhead School, Bayview School, Te Huruhi School (93%)
- Northcross Intermediate, Parakai School, Forrest Hill School, Papakura Normal School, Auckland Grammar School, Papatoetoe South School, Sunnyvale School (92%)
- Botany Downs Secondary School, Target Road School, Royal Oak School, Maungawhau School, Pomaria Road School, Waioneke School, Pt Chevalier School (91%)
- Meadowbank School, Western Springs College, Pukekohe Hill School, Elm Park School, Waterlea Public School, Matakana School, Te Papapa School (90%)
- Waiheke High School, St Thomas School, Otahuhu School, Hingaia Peninsula School, Arahoe School, Botany Downs School (89%)
- Mangare Central School, Roscommon School, Jean Batten School, Tamaki School, Jean Batten School, Tamaki School (88%)
- Manurewa South School, Marlborough School, St Leonards Road School, Owairaka District School, Orewa North School (87%)
- Chapel Downs School, Puhinui School, Hillsborough School, Everglade School, Ranui School, Albany School, Marina View School, Glamorgan School, Glendowie College (86%)
- Kowhai Intermediate, Nga Iwi School, Wiri Central School, TKKM o Manurewa, Kaipara Flats School (85%)
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At or over capacity
-Te Kura o Matapihi (141%)
- TKKM o Ruamata (140%)
- Te Wharekura o Mauao (131%)
- TKKM o Te Kura Kokiri (130%)
- Oropi School (127%)
- Te Ranga School (120%)
- Bellevue School (117%)
- TKKM o Whakarewa I Te Reo (115%)
- Taupo School (114%)
- Te Puke Primary School (113%)
- Apanui School (111%)
- Awakeri School (110%)
- St Mary's Catholic School, Greerton Village School (109%)
- Otonga Road School (108%)
- Otumoetai School (107%)
- Taupo-nui-a-Tia College (103%)
- Mt Maunganui Y7-8 (102%)
- Taupo Y7-8, Tauhara School (101%)
- Aquinas College (100%)
No data available for the region's at-risk schools.
At or over capacity
- Te Wharekura o Maniapoto (151%)
- Hamilton Boys High School (144%)
- Southwell School (141%)
- Horotiu School (131%)
- Te Wharekura o Te Rau Aroha (130%)
- Puahue School (128%)
- Rangitoto School, Rotokauri School, TKKM o Bernard Fergusson, Tokoroa Central School (126%)
- Hamilton East School (124%)
- Manawaru School (121%)
- Cambridge School (119%)
- Hauraki Plains College (117%)
- Hukanui School, Otorohanga South School, Waikato Diocesan School for Girls (115%)
- Goodwood School, Hillcrest Normal School, Sacred Heart Girls College (114%)
- Frankton School, Newstead Model School, Tokoroa High School (113%)
- Aberdeen School, Hamilton West School, Opoutere School, Berkley Normal Middle School (112%)
- Matangi School, Hamilton Girls High School (111%)
- Kimihia School, Netherton School (110%)
- Glen Massey School, Pekerau School, St Columba's Catholic School, Tairua School, Whitiora School, Maeroa Intermediate (109%)
- Kaipaki School, Rukuhia School, Tamahere Model Country School, Cambridge High School (108%)
- Te Puru School, Te Rapa School, Te Wharekura o Rakaumangamanga, Hillcrest High School (107%)
- Stanley Avenue School (106%)
- Hautapu School, Korakonui School, St Joseph's Catholic School (Morrinsville), Whatawhata School (105%)
- Gordonton School, Marian Catholic School, Rototuna Primary School, St Peter Chanel Catholic School (104%)
- Ohinewai School (103%)
- Knighton Normal School, Ngahinapouri School, Orini Combined School, Pirongia School, St Patrick's Catholic School, (102%)
- Cambridge East School, St Mary's Catholic School, Vardon School (101%)
- Forest Lake School, Hinuera School, Pukemiro School, Tauwhare School, Tokoroa North School (100%)
At risk of overcrowding
- St Francis School, Te Kowhai School, Mercury Bay Area School (99%)
- St Joseph's Catholic School, Te Waotu School, St John's College (98%)
- Nawton School, Te Mata School (97%)
- Woodstock School, Morrinsville College (96%)
- David Street School, TKKM o Whakawatea (95%)
- Waipa Christian School, Walton School (94%)
- Crawshaw School, Horsham Downs School, Matamata Primary School, Te Kauwhata Primary School, Te Totara Primary School, Waipa School, Waihi College (93%)
- Matamata Intermediate, Te Kauwhata College, Te Awamutu College (92%)
- Glenview School, Moanataiari School, Pukete School, Waerenga School, Waitomo Caves School (91%)
- Fairfield Primary School, Puketaha School (90%)
- Kihikihi School, Paterangi School, Te Kuiti Primary School, Te Awamutu Intermediate (89%)
- Motumaoho School (88%)
- Te Awamutu Primary School, Waihi Beach School, Whenuakite School (86%)
- Leamington School, Tahuna School, Waitetuna School (85%)
At or over capacity
- Pahiatua School (148%)
- Newtown School (142%)
- Karori West Normal School (137%)
- Martinborough School (126%)
- TKKM o Te Rito (123%)
- Island Bay School (122%)
- Mount Cook School (119%)
- Belmont School, Totara Park School (118%)
- Kapiti College (117%)
- TKKM o Nga Mokopuna, Ngaio School (114%)
- Alfredton School, Heretaunga College, Tawhai School (110%)
- Houghton Valley School (109%)
- Fraser Crescent School, Titahi Bay School, Maungaraki School, Khandallah School (108%)
- Berhampore School, Ridgway School (107%)
- Wellington Girls' College, Karori Normal School (106%)
- Muritai School, Makoura College (105%)
- West Park School, St Brigids School (Johnsonville) (104%)
- Te Horo School (Otaki), Raumati Beach School (103%)
- Roseneath School (102%)
- St Mary's College, Hutt International Boys' School (101%)
- Clyde Quay School, St Mary's School (Carterton) (100%)
At risk of overcrowding
- Otaki School, St Oran's College, Huia Range School, St Patrick's College, St Bernard's College (99%)
- Wainuiomata Primary School (98%)
- St Patrick's College (Silverstream), Raphael House Rudolf Steiner Area School, Waiopehu College, Hadlow Preparatory School, Silverstream School (97%)
- Sacred Heart College (Lower Hutt), Upper Hutt College, Norsewood and Districts School, Kenakena School, Kelburn Normal School, Northland School, Sts Peter and Paul School (Lower Hutt) (96%)
- Hataitai School, Raroa Normal Intermediate, Wadestown School, Greenacres School (95%)
- Waitohu School, Onslow College, Kahutara School, Wellington High School and Com Ed Centre, Redwood School, Pukerua Bay School, Sacred Heart Cathedral School, Paraparaumu College, Papatawa School, Koraunui School, South Wellington Intermediate, Lyall Bay School (94%)
- Dannevirke South School, St Francis De Sales School (Island Bay), Lakeview School, Waikanae School, Brooklyn School (Wellington), Paraparaumu Beach School (93%)
- Rangikura School, Te Kura-a-iwi o Whakatupuranga Rua Mano, Rathkeale College, St Anthony's School (Seatoun), Sacred Heart School (Petone), Postgate School (92%)
- Cashmere Avenue School (91%)
- Newlands School, St Theresa's School (Plimmerton), Trentham School, Raumati South School, Levin East School, Paparangi School (90%)
- Kahurangi School, Hutt Intermediate (89%)
- Foxton Beach School, Mangaroa School, Discovery School (88%)
- St Matthew's Collegiate (Masterton), Fergusson Intermediate (Trentham), Tawa School, Wairarapa College, Wilford School, Plimmerton School, Fernlea School (87%)
- Johnsonville School, Natone Park School, Hampton Hill School, TKKM o Te Ara Whanui, Boulcott School (86%)
- Wellington College, Korokoro School (85%)
At or over capacity
- Avonhead School (122%)
- Hornby Primary School (117%)
- Highfield School (116%)
- Bromley School (112%)
- Amuri Area School (110%)
- Addington School (109%)
- Te Waka Unua School, Hornby High School (107%)
- St James School, Oaklands School, TKKM o Te Whanau Tahi (106%)
- Riccarton School, Carew Peel Forest School (105%)
- Fernside School, Winchester Rural School, Lincoln High School (104%)
- Wharenui School, Cashmere High School, Cashmere Primary School, Waitakiri Primary School (103%)
- Kaiapoi High School, Hoon Hay School, Geraldine Primary School (102%)
- Akaroa Area School, Timaru Girls' High School, Somerfield School (101%)
- Ashburton College, St Bede's College, Isleworth School (100%)
At risk of overcrowding
- St Teresa's School, Parkview School, Darfield High School, St Joseph's School (Ashburton), Middleton Grange School (99%)
- Bluestone School, Thorrington School, St Joseph's School (Papanui) (98%)
- Christchurch Adventist School, Christ The King School, Our Lady of Assumption School, Hampstead School, Villa Maria College, Allenton School (97%)
- Timaru Christian School, Hinds School, Roncalli College, St Albans School, Broadfield School (96%)
- Mackenzie College, Wairakei School , Pleasant Point Primary School, Sheffield Contributing School (95%)
- Beaconsfield School (93%)
- St Peter's School, Ashburton Borough School, Geraldine High School, Breens Intermediate (91%)
- Leithfield School, St Joseph's School (Rangiora) (90%)
- Woodbury School, West Spreydon School, Ashburton Netherby School (89%)
- Gleniti School, Timaru Boys' High School, Arowhenua Maori School, Springfield School, Diamond Harbour School (88%)
- Rudolph Steiner School, Dorie School, Our Lady of Fatima School (87%)
- Rawhiti School, Waltham School, Christchurch East School, Rotherham School, Linwood North School (86%)
- St Joseph's School (Timaru), Ao Tawhiti Unlimited Discovery, Glenavy School (85%)
At or over capacity
- Ardogowan School (130%)
- Balfour School (113%)
- Romohapa School (106%)
- Mt Aspiring College, Tahuna Normal Intermediate (103%)
- Southland Adventist Christian School (102%)
- Dunstan High School (101%)
- Duntroon School, Verdon College (100%)
At risk of overcrowding
- Tokanui School (98%)
- St Theresa's School (Invercargill) (96%)
- Central Southland College, St Kevins College (Oamaru), (94%)
- Cromwell College (93%)
- Wanaka Primary School (92%)
- Queenstown School, Dunedin North Intermediate, Te Anau School, Oamaru Intermediate (91%)
- South Otago High School, Wakari School (90%)
- North East Valley Normal School (89%)
- Waitaki Valley School, Blue Mountain College (88%)
- Tokomairiro High School, Otautau School (87%)
- Woodlands Full Primary School (86%)
- Mossburn School, St Joseph's Cathedral School, St Francis Xavier School (85%)
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