
  • 2017新西兰大选

    新西兰时间9月23日晚7时,大选投票结束。经过紧张的计票,Bill English领导的国家党以46%的得票率胜出,但未拿到61个国会席位,必须联合小党执政。

  • 2017财政预算案深度解读


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日期:2013-04-25 10:50:23 阅读:  来源:天维网编辑部

  澳新军团日(ANZAC Day)是纪念第一次世界大战1915年4月25日,在加里波利之战牺牲的澳大利亚和新西兰联合军团(简称澳新军团)将士的日子。(英文:Australian and New Zealand Army Corps,缩写ANZAC)。澳新军

  澳新军团日(ANZAC Day)是纪念第一次世界大战1915年4月25日,在加里波利之战牺牲的澳大利亚和新西兰联合军团(简称澳新军团)将士的日子。(英文:Australian and New Zealand Army Corps,缩写ANZAC)。澳新军团日在澳大利亚和新西兰现均被定为公众假日,以缅怀他们为国牺牲的勇敢精神。澳新军团日是两国最重要的节日之一。在第一次世界大战中的加里波利战役,新西兰是参与该战争的所有国家中,按人口计最高伤亡和死亡率的国家;澳大利亚则是这次战争中,伤亡率最高的国家。



  UH-1H Iroquois will carry out flypasts in the lower North Island as follows:

  5.50 am Marton RSA
  5.55 am Bulls RSA
  6:15 am Levin RSA
  6:22 am Otaki RSA
  6:47 am Feilding RSA
  10:00 am Apiti RSA
  10:30 am Levin RSA
  11:00 am Waikanae

  A109 Mako will carry out flypasts in the lower North Island as follows:

  9:15 am Palmerston North Square
  9:25 am Sanson-Ohakea RSA
  9:35 am Bunnythorpe & Districts Country Club

  SH-2G (NZ) Seasprite will carry out flypasts over Auckland city as follows:

  5:59 am St Helliers
  6:00 am Auckland Memorial
  6:05 am Waikumete Cemetery, Glen Eden
  6:20 am Browns Bay RSA


  4月25日,奥克兰战争纪念博物馆(Auckland War Memorial Museum)将从清晨6点开始举行黎明哀悼仪式,随后展开多项的纪念活动。具体如下:

  6AM – Dawn Service, Cenotaph
  6.45AM – Museum opens to the public (including Columbus Café)
  6.45AM – 5PM
  • Digital Book of Remembrance, Grand Foyer
  • Military service research using the Cenotaph Database and Armoury reference materials, Armoury Information Centre
  • Slideshow from the collections – Maori and Pacific people at war and home landscapes, Te Kakano Information Centre
  • Slideshow from the collections – Pacific food, flora and fauna, Natural History Information Centre
  • Identification of medals and badges, Armoury Information Centre
  7.30AM – Methodist Choir, Hall of Memories
  7.30AM – Join us for a free 45-minute guided tour of our War Memorial galleries including WWI, WWII, Planes and Sir Keith Parker, Meet at the red arrow outside the Armoury Information centre
  8.30AM – Auckland Youth Choir, Hall of Memories
  8.30AM – Join us for a free 45-minute guided tour of our War Memorial galleries including WWI, WWII, War in the Pacific and Naval stories, Meet at the red arrow outside the Armoury Information centre
  9-10.30AM – Hear from Christine Liava’a, family historian and convenor of the Pacific Islands Interests Group, as she discusses the effects of conflicts played out in the Pacific as well as the contribution of Pacific Soldiers to overseas conflicts. Bring along your story or mementoes, Te Kakano
  9.30AM – Join us for a free 45-minute guided tour of our War Memorial galleries including WWI, WWII, Planes, Sir Keith Parker, and War in the Pacific, Meet at the red arrow outside the Armoury Information centre
  10.30AM – Grand Foyer closes in preparation for the Civic Service
  11AM – Civic Service, Cenotaph
  12PM – Grand Foyer reopens
  12PM – The cast from Chocolate Stigmata perform a selection of songs from Goodbye My Feleni, paying tribute to the Pacific Island soldiers who served with the Maori Battalion in WWII, Atrium
  12-4PM – Poppy making, Weird and Wonderful
  12.30-3PM – Join us in the Library for an informal afternoon of illustrated talks and expertise
  • 12.30PM – Margaret Pointer talks about Niue Island’s involvement in the Great War 1914-1918
  • 1.20PM – Megan Hutching discusses her book ‘Against the Rising Sun, New Zealanders remember the Pacific War’
  • 2.10PM – Clive Stone speaks ‘soldier art’ produced by New Zealand Servicemen in the Pacific in World War II
  12.30PM – Join us for a free 45-minute guided tour of our War Memorial galleries including WWI, WWII, Planes, Sir Keith Park and the Home Front, Meet at the red arrow outside the Armoury Information centre
  1PM – ‘Lest We Forget’ Poetry Competition finalists, World War II Hall of Memories
  1PM – Tongan Brass Band, Atrium
  1.30PM – Join us for a free 45-minute guided tour of our War Memorial galleries including WWI, WWII, The NZ Wars, Planes and Sir Keith Park, Meet at the red arrow outside the Armoury Information centre
  2-4PM – Enjoy incredible views of the city and harbour from the Museum’s Dome, tours run on request, Lift 1 & 2, Atrium
  2.30PM – Join us for a free 45-minute guided tour of our War Memorial galleries including WWI, WWII, Planes, Sir Keith Park, and Nurses at War, Meet at the red arrow outside the Armoury Information centre
  3.30PM – Join us for a free 45-minute guided tour of our War Memorial galleries including WWI, WWII, the NZ Wars and Naval stories, Meet at the red arrow outside the Armoury Information centre


  纪念活动将从10点30分开始,届时新西兰电视一台将会进行电视直播。地址:National War Memorial, 41 Buckle St, Mt Cook, Wellington


  惠灵顿黎明哀悼仪式将于4月25日清晨5点30分开始。地址:Wellington Cenotaph, Lambton Quay, Wellington Region


  汉密尔顿花园将举行纪念活动。届时,花园中将邀请音乐家及团体进行现场演奏,汉密尔顿市长Julie Hardaker、议员Tim Macindoe也将前来发表讲话。成人票价15元。地址:Hamilton Gardens, Cobham Dr, SH1, Hamilton


  罗托鲁瓦(Rotorua)纪念活动将于早9点30分在Rotorua Convention Centre’s Civic Theatre举行。市长Mayor Winters鼓励当地人和游客一同加入到纪念活动中来。地址:Rotorua Convention Centre, 1170 Fenton St, Rotorua


  当天,您可以在德文波特(Devonport)海军博物馆(The Navy Museum)获得近距离观赏澳新军团日主题文物的机会。时间为上午10点至下午5点。地址:Torpedo Bay Navy Museum, 64 King Edward Parade, Devonport


  RSA Choir Anzac Revue将在晚6点半开始。成人门票20元。地址:Dunedin Town Hall, 50 The Octagon, Dunedin




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