工党专栏文章:财政赤字上升 国家党可信度下降
日期:2012-11-13 10:26:28 阅读: 来源:霍建强议员办公室
最新消息显示政府最新一季的财政赤字比预计的$21亿纽元更糟――竟还多出$4.5亿 ―― 也就是说增加了27%,这让国家党的经济可信度再次受损。 国家党领导下我国经济停滞不前。日前的消息显示全职就业人数下降,
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国家党的财政赤字比预计多出$4.5亿 ―― 也就是增加了27%。 这让国家党的经济信誉度更加受损。
新西兰人现在都意识到这是一个令人失望的政府。(霍建强议员办公室 供稿)
Spokesperson for Finance
7 November 2012
Deficit up, National’s credibility down
National’s economic credibility has again been dented with news that the $2.1 billion Government deficit (obegal) for the latest quarter is $450 million worse – 27% - than expected, says Labour’s Finance spokesperson David Parker.
“National’s economy is stagnating. Yesterday’s news was that full-time employment is down. Manufacturing is struggling. Exports are down. That is why the tax take is down.
“Less tax that is a sure sign that businesses aren’t growing and working Kiwis aren’t earning.
“National’s deficit is $450 million worse than expected - they were off by 27 per cent. Their economic credibility is further damaged.
“This should come as no surprise given that National’s main economic initiative for this three years was to sell our state assets, and even that is off the rails.
“National is seriously mismanaging the economy. We see the evidence every day. Businesses are being sold overseas or shut down, jobs are being outsourced or cut, and a thousand Kiwis are leaving for Australia every week.
“The only thing that’s growing in this country is the Christchurch rebuild, on the back of tragedy and insurance inflows that even this Government can’t claim credit for.
“John Key promoted himself as the man to run the economy well. The evidence is clear today that his ideas aren’t working.
“Kiwis are realising what a disappointment this Government is.”
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