日期:2012-08-29 10:53:08 阅读: 来源:霍建强议员办公室
澳大利亚议员凯文•汤普森对跨海到澳洲谋生的新西兰人数量的担忧反衬出整大洋洲唯一一个漠视这个问题的就只有国家党政府。 工党经济发展事务发言人大卫•康利夫日前指出:澳大利亚总是被人们称作“
Economic Development Spokesperson
23 August 2012 MEDIA STATEMENT
All Aus Zealand now worried about Kiwi migration
Australian MP Kelvin Thompson’s concern about the number of Kiwis heading across the ditch shows that the only people in Australasia not bothered about the issue are the National Government, says Labour’s Economic Development Spokesperson David Cunliffe.
“Australia is often called ‘the lucky country’. They’re getting some of our best and brightest. But even Australians are now worried about the number of Kiwis heading their way.
“We’re mates with the Aussies and we don’t want to put them out. But National seems to think it can solve its unemployment problem by outsourcing it Australia.
“Bill English says there’s no point in standing around in the airport crying about it. At this rate we’ll have people leaving Auckland Airport with hankies, being greeted in Sydney with placards.
“Now that Australasians on both sides of the Tasman think Kiwi migration is an issue, it’s past time that the National Government woke up.
“The next time John Key meets Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard he should apologise for mismanaging our economy so badly. And he should apologise to New Zealand for failing to deliver on his promise that Kiwis would no longer ‘wave goodbye to their loved ones’.
“The ability for Kiwis and Aussies to move back and forth between our two countries is a wonderful example of our trans-Tasman mateship. But New Zealand shouldn’t be sending a university’s worth of young and talented people to Australia every year. Even they are sick of it”
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