日期:2012-08-22 09:08:48 阅读: 来源:天维网编译
瑞娜号船难后的清理工作将耗费纳税人5千万以上的巨资,这凸显出政府没有通过相应立法让本应承担起这个责任的船主的做法有多么愚蠢。 工党从新西兰海事局获得官方信息法的相关文件表明纳税人为蕾娜号的清理要付
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ROBERTSONEnvironment Spokesperson
17 August 2012 MEDIA STATEMENT
Rena clean-up will cost taxpayers $50 million
The Rena disaster clean-up will cost the taxpayer over $50 million, highlighting the Government’s folly of not passing legislation that would have seen the owners of the vessel picking up the tab, Labour’s Environment spokesperson Grant Robertson says.
Labour has obtained Official Information Act documents from Maritime New Zealand that show the estimated costs to the taxpayer from the grounding of the Rena have blown out to $50 million.
“Kiwis have seen the heart-breaking environmental cost of the grounding. Now we know the total price tag for the clean-up will be $50 million, a large part of which Kiwis will be paying for.
“If National had incorporated international conventions on liability for damage into New Zealand law – which it was advised to do - costs to taxpayers would have been significantly reduced.”
“A Parliamentary select committee recommended such legislation be passed in 2008, with officials advising the National government when it took office to complete the legislative work.
“It didn’t - to the cost of New Zealanders – and still hasn’t, leaving it to Labour MP Phil Goff to propose the legislation as a Members Bill.
“The government should pick this up or get off its backside and introduce its own legislation. Otherwise, if another accident happens, taxpayers will be forking out again. It is simply not good enough,” Grant Robertson said.
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