日期:2012-08-20 10:32:03 阅读: 来源:霍建强议员办公室
工党经济发展事务发言人大卫•康利夫日前指出:国家党吹得相当离谱的所谓“全面发展出口业计划”只是在讲故事、撑面子和博眼球而已。 国家党所谓“全面发展出口业计划”只是罗列一些老掉牙的想法、把4年
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Economic Development Spokesperson
15 August 2012 MEDIA STATEMENT
National’s exports plan just story telling
The only new ideas in National’s much-hyped ‘comprehensive exports plan’ are story-telling, branding and photo opportunities, says Labour’s Economic Development spokesperson David Cunliffe.
“National’s so-called ‘comprehensive exports plan’ is just a list of old ideas and restates a goal they set four years’ ago.
“Steven Joyce has been talking up his exports plan since he announced it six months ago. In fact he set up an entire new ministry to deliver it. But there’s nothing more than a grand total of eight new ideas and most of them are how to write a story.
“In those six months all they’ve come up with is: write a story about New Zealand, provide some photos and guides to sell it and provide it to business. It sounds like a school project but it has taken five ministries and a super minister to come up with this.
“Every year National comes up with another pretty brochure they call an economic plan, but as ever there’s no grunt behind them.
“Labour also believes in growing exports but we have a strong plan to deliver it. We will increase our investment pool through boosting savings and pro-growth tax reform will direct that money into exporting businesses that will create jobs that pay a decent wage.
“All National has said to business today is, ‘here’s some nice photos and a pretty guide, now go off in the world and earn us billions of exports dollars’.
“This is a massive let down to business and New Zealand.”
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