日期:2012-08-17 10:13:06 阅读: 来源:霍建强议员办公室
工党对选举委员会关于重新审视MMP制度的建议书表示欢迎。 莉安•达齐尔祝贺选举委员会在公众参与方面取得了长足进展。建议书考虑得很细致,并将得益于最后一轮的公众意见征询。 新西兰公众对所谓的“
Associate Justice Spokesperson
13 August 2012 MEDIA STATEMENT
Labour welcomes MMP proposals
Labour welcomes the proposals set out in the review of MMP by the Electoral Commission, says Labour’s Associate Justice spokespersonLianneDalziel.
“The Electoral Commission must be congratulated for what has been a very robust process of public engagement. The proposals are well-considered and will benefit from the final round of public input.
“The public has spoken loudly and clearly about the ‘coat-tails’ clause, which has allowed parties to win seats even though the party doesn’t have sufficient support to get over the five per cent threshold.
“Everyone wants to see an end to political stitch-ups and canning this clause will stop dodgy ‘tea party’ deals. Lowering the threshold to four per cent will mean a fairer system for everyone.
“National’s campaign for John Banks and Peter Dunne to win their constituency seats paid off when they delivered the two crucial votes they needed to pass the asset sales law.
“People voted to retain MMP because they don’t want a return to the old two-party system and want a genuine check on the absolute majorities that FPP used to bring. The diversity of representation has also been highly valued. Parliament had only one Pacifica MP before MMP and not one Asian MP. We couldn’t imagine a Parliament like that today.
“Removing the coat-tailing loophole while lowering the threshold and removing the overhang will ensure we have a well-represented and balanced Parliament that reflects New Zealand’s diversity.
“The Commission says only small changes need to be made to MMP and Labour agrees. These proposals will lead to a stronger MMP and a greater faith in democracy. “
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