日期:2012-08-10 15:50:25 阅读: 来源:霍建强议员办公室
地方技术学院的政府拨款被砍掉3000多万纽元,再次证实国家党政府漠视新西兰的边郊地区。 技校在我国经济中扮演的角色非常重要,它们为推动新西兰经济成长输送技术工人。它们为中学毕业生和再培训的人提供了机
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Tertiary Education Spokesperson
National’s polytech cuts hurting the heartland
Cuts of more than $30 million of funding for regional polytechnics is further evidence that the National Government is neglecting provincial New Zealand, says Grant Robertson Labour’s Tertiary Education, Skills and Training Spokesperson.
"Polytechnics play a vital role in the economy of our regions by providing the skilled workforce that is needed to drive economic growth. They provide opportunity for both school leavers and those re-training. But under National between 2010 and 2011 $32 million was cut from regional polytechs.”
“This is wilful neglect of provincial New Zealand.”
Grant Robertson is in Invercargill today speaking to a public forum on tertiary education.
"Southland has been hit hard by these cuts. The Southern Institute of Technology had $4.9 million or 14% of its budget cut in 2011. This led to cuts in carpentry, electrical and engineering courses. These are core trade skills that every regional community needs to develop."
"Beyond SIT itself, the Southland region has seen significant cuts to Adult and Community Education and to the numbers of modern apprentices and industry trainees. Added together this shows the National government is selling Southland and other regions short."
"Labour believes that we need a network of strong polytechnics across New Zealand. They need to be supported to provide the skilled workforce that regions need. We also want to see centres of excellence develop in polytechs to help drive innovation. Labour will back our regions and ensure there is support for them to grow." Grant Robertson says.
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