日期:2012-08-06 12:32:17 阅读: 来源:霍建强议员办公室
新西兰的心腹地带如今已经被变成澳大利亚经济的培训中心。 到处都有人打点行装奔往澳洲。人们从皇后镇去了昆士兰,从西海岸去了黄金海岸,从北岛去了澳北各州。而且是一去不回。 新西兰乡村地区成了把人才
工党将打造一个现代型经济,保证出口商们得到更多投入以促进出口,创造高薪工作,开放更多机会来留住新西兰人。 (霍建强议员办公室 供稿)
Spokesperson for Finance
From Queenstown to Queensland – heartland heads to Australia
New Zealand’s regional heartland has turned into a training centre for the Australian economy, says Labour’s Finance spokesperson David Parker.
“All across our heartland people are packing their bags and heading to Australia. They’re going from Queenstown to Queensland, the West Coast to the Gold Coast, from Northland to the Northern Territories. And they’re not coming back.
“Rural New Zealand’s main role is now training talent to send to Australia. Many of our regions have lost more than one per cent of their population to Australia in the last year alone. Nelson lost 460 people and Whangarei lost 1,200. Small regional towns will struggle to survive if they keep losing people.
“National doesn’t seem to know what’s happening to heartland New Zealand. Labour does. People are leaving because there is a lack of opportunities and the only jobs available pay a low wage.
“National old low-wage economic ideas assume agriculture will keep people in the regions. We can see that’s failing. Labour knows the key to keeping Kiwis in cities and regions is create opportunities and jobs that pay a good wage.
“Labour will develop a modern economy that will ensure exporters get investment to sell more overseas, create higher-wage jobs and open up more opportunities that will keep Kiwis here.”
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