日期:2012-07-23 09:22:14 阅读: 来源:霍建强议员办公室
工党财经事务发言人大卫•帕克在最新的消费物价指数数据(Consumer Price Index)推出后指出经济缓慢增长要归咎于过时的政策。 同时,出售国有资产使电费成为所有物价中上涨最快的一项。 2012年6月季,
2012年6月季,电力价格上涨了4.5% -- 这比其他物价都上涨得快。这是因为政府正在准备出售大的国有发电企业。
上周在奥克兰南区的一家工程公司 Flotech 有61人被裁员。Flotech 表示纽元的强劲对公司是无益的。
(霍建强议员办公室 供稿)
Spokesperson for Finance
17 July 2012
Asset sales push up energy costs
The economy is mired in low-growth because of out of date policy, Labour’s finance spokesperson David Parker said today following the release of the latest CPI figure.
Meanwhile, electricity prices are some of the fastest rising in the country because of planned asset sales.
“Electricity prices rose 4.5 percent in the June 2012 quarter - that’s much faster than other parts of the economy because the Government is getting the big publicly-owned generators ready for sale.
“When the electricity assets are sold, everyone will pay more for their energy.
“Other prices are more consistent with a struggling economy rather than a healthy one.
“Inflation is being kept down by our high dollar. Electricity prices are not subject to international competition. While they are rocketing up, the high exchange rate is holding back growth and destroying jobs.
“Exporters and businesses that compete with imports are closing down and laying off staff.
“Just last week 61 jobs were lost at South Auckland engineering firm Flotech after the company said that the strength of the New Zealand dollar had been ‘unhelpful.’
“The Government’s lack of action to grow our exports and jobs in those industries is starting to bite.”
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