工党:国家党准备要卖掉国有铁路公司Kiwi Rail
日期:2012-07-17 10:54:23 阅读: 来源:霍建强议员办公室
有关今后几个月里KIWIRAIL要裁员几百人的新闻昭示了国家党政府准备出售这个公司的意图。 这又是一个政府喊着“要卖了、要卖了、卖掉了”的例子。他们已将把我们的电力企业、航空都一股脑列入拍卖品行列。现在
Spokesperson for SOEs
National prepping KiwiRail for sale
News that KiwiRail is looking to shed hundreds of jobs in the next few months makes it patently obvious that the National-led Government is prepping it for sale, says Labour's SOEs Spokesperson Clayton Cosgrove.
"It's a case of going, going, gone with this Government. They have already put our power companies and airline on the auction block. Now they are softening Kiwis up to accept the eventual sale of our rail company.
"KiwiRail is a strategic asset. It is a difficult infrastructure but it is essential to our economy not only in terms of competition with road transport for freight, but also for our regions in accessing products and services, ” Clayton Cosgrove said.
"What we are seeing is a restructuring of that asset – where the best parts of it are being carved off while at the same time wholesale staff cuts are being made in a short-sighted bid to supposedly save money.
"This is part of a process being used by the Government to convince New Zealanders that KiwiRail is no longer a viable company and therefore should be sold off to private interests. It's a case of history repeating itself.
"The Government should be supporting KiwiRail, not setting it up for sale," said Clayton Cosgrove
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