日期:2012-07-10 10:01:50 阅读: 来源:霍建强议员办公室
惩教部长安•托丽评价新西兰目前的唯一一所私营监狱的经营进展,用的形容词是“相当之好”,而工党司法事务发言人查尔斯•沙威尔认为,“令人难堪”才是准确得多的评价。 3名犯人被不当释放,3个错
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国家党政府不惜一切代价执意要将监狱私有化,所以他们不去审查Serco对Mt Eden监狱的管理是否得当,却还要把另一个油水颇丰的新Wiri监狱的经营合同交到它手里。
Serco貌似在Mt Eden监狱推行了高压政策以保证他们的利润,所以他们在72%的案子中把这个关键要求(赢利)作为前提。
Justice Spokesperson
Private prison ‘progress’ an embarrassment
Corrections Minister Anne Tolley describes progress at New Zealand’s only private prison as ‘decent’. A far more appropriate word would be ‘embarrassing’, Labour’s Justice spokesperson Charles Chauvel says.
"Three improper inmate releases, three wrongful detentions, one escape and a 72 per cent failure rate to get inmate plans could in no way be described as progress, yet that’s exactly how the government is presenting Serco's latest set of ‘achievements’.
"Such is National's determination to privatise at all costs that, instead of a review of Serco's fitness to operate Mt Eden, its reward remains another lucrative contract from the state to operate the new Wiri prison,” Charles Chauvel said.
"The escapes, wrongful detentions and improper early releases are bad enough, since they go to the heart of Serco's ability to ensure the lawful containment of inmates. But the failure to get inmate plans in place points to an even more worrying phenomenon - Serco's ability and willingness to comply with Government policy.
"National has made much of its stated desire to reorient Corrections' policy and operations in favour of reducing re-offending and rehabilitating inmates. It has just finished one $10m restructuring with the loss of over 100 jobs with this in mind. Central to rehabilitation is the need for inmates to be on a plan that identifies their issues and needs and sets out how they are going to be met during their time in prison.
"Serco appears to be running such a pressure cooker environment at Mt Eden in order to preserve its profitability that it is willing to forego this key requirement in 72 per cent of cases.
“If that approach is also followed at Wiri once Serco is running it, serious questions arise as to whether Government policy can be expected to be applied by a private sector prison operator.
"When Wiri is up and running, Serco will be responsible for up to 25 per cent of the overall prison population. If there are only 28 per cent of inmate plans in place on time that puts a serious dent in the Government's stated commitment to rehabilitation.
"Anne Tolley has some serious thinking to do about the wisdom of letting the Wiricontract proceed in its current form", Charles Chauvel said
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