Skykiwi float featured in Auckland Farmers Santa Parade 2019
作者: Zoe 日期:2019-11-24 17:22 阅读: 来源:天维维度
The annual Auckland Farmers Santa Parade took place along Queen Street in the CBD today. As the most influential Chinese media in New Zealand, Skykiwi had its beautifully-decorated float featured in the parade.
The 86th Christmas parade saw the attendance of thousands of people. This year's parade is also the last for the city's five-storey-high Santa that stands on the corner of the Farmers building.
After the parade, Santa's Party kicked off in Aotea Square at 2.30pm with food, stalls, headliners PJ Masks and entertainment for the whole family. A face-painting artist was at the Skykiwi booth, sprinkling joy on children's faces.
About Skykiwi
Established in 2011, Skykiwi is the most influential media in New Zealand. It is dedicated to providing precise and high-quality information to the Chinese community. Skykiwi offers ultimate marketing solutions and strategies for businesses who are interested in targeting China and Chinese communities in New Zealand. With rapid economic development and increasing cultural communication between New Zealand and China, Skykiwi commit itself to bridge the two nations with excellent services and to elevate the friendly cooperative relationship to a new summit.
Parade Route
The parade started from the intersection of Cook Street and Mayoral Drive, headed along Queen Street and ended on Customs Street East. It took almost 2 hours.
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