
作者: 天维采编组   日期:2024-07-04 18:25 阅读:0  来源:天维网采访  















Zhaoze Jiang (Jax),是一名出生在中国苏州的男孩,在他12岁时来到新西兰定居,积极融入当地的社区。当下就读于奥克兰北岸Pinehurst学校的他与慈善机构Well Foundation结缘,积极参与志愿者活动、开展募捐,力所能及为这个社区做贡献。



Jax在疗愈花园。 天维网记者摄

"Doing My Best to Contribute to the Community!" The Inspiring Story of This NZ Chinese Student

What are your thoughts on hospitals? 

Do they seem cold, oppressive, or lacking vitality?

However, at the beginning of July, inside a new building at an Auckland hospital, there exists a large indoor healing garden adorned with green plants.

This 400-square-meter green space offers patients and healthcare workers a soothing environment for both body and mind.

Behind the establishment of this Healing Garden lies the efforts of a Chinese boy, a charitable organization, and a dedicated group of individuals. 

Despite being a high school student, the Chinese boy has been actively involved in charity work for many years. 

"I aim to assist patients in palliative care, the elderly, and their families in every way possible." he explains.

"Through my efforts, I aspire to positively impact those around me and engage in public welfare activities."

Zhaoze Jiang (Jax), originally from Suzhou, China, has been living in New Zealand since the age of 12 and is well-integrated into the local community. He is currently a high school student at Pinehurst School in the north of Auckland and has aligned himself with the Well Foundation charity organization. He engages in volunteer activities, spearheads fundraising campaigns, and strives to contribute as much as possible to his community.

His dedication to charitable endeavors is rooted in his family background:









疗愈花园(The Healing Garden)是慈善机构Well Foundation所募捐建造的一个大型室内花园。

Well Foundation的CEO Ruth Morse对此项目介绍道:“无论是患者、家属又或是医务人员,在常规医院的环境内是紧张和压抑的。在医院内建造一个疗愈花园,不仅创造了一个生机勃勃的绿色空间,还能缓解患者和医务人员的紧张感。”

P1021829.JPGJax在疗愈花园。 天维网记者摄 

From Suzhou to Auckland: Jax's Charity Journey

Jax grew up in a "charitable family," actively engaging in volunteer activities in China with his parents from a young age. He developed a strong focus on social issues and a compassionate attitude towards vulnerable groups.

In 2018, Jax's grandparents, longing for Jax and his family and hoping to be closer to their daughter and grandsons in their later years, applied for a family reunification visa to New Zealand. However, they faced language barriers and cultural conflicts here, and had to return to their hometown for retirement.

"The departure of my grandparents had a profound impact on me. We shared a deep bond," Jax said. "It prompted me to become concerned about the challenges elderly people face in New Zealand, particularly immigrant seniors dealing with language barriers and a lack of cultural integration."

Despite his demanding academic schedule, Jax meticulously organized his daily routines. Alongside fulfilling his academic responsibilities, he actively participated in volunteer activities at retirement homes and hospices.

"I discovered that New Zealand's societal values regarding elderly care resonate deeply with my own beliefs." he reflected, expressing his delight in delving deeper into societal issues prevalent in New Zealand. In his volunteer work at a local retirement home, Jax empathised with his feelings of loneliness and helplessness during a conversation with an elderly Chinese individual.

"Many immigrant seniors feel isolated due to language barriers, and I could feel their desire for a sense of belonging. Like my grandparents, they are a microcosm of the issues faced by immigrant seniors in society, and I want to help them." Jax said his concern for elderly issues in the community, also became a reason for him to participate in the Healing Garden project.

The Healing Garden is a large indoor garden built with donations from the charity organisation Well Foundation.

Ruth Morse, CEO of the Well Foundation, explained the project: "Whether patients, family members, or medical staff, the environment in regular hospitals is often tense and oppressive. Building the Healing Garden within the hospital not only creates a vibrant green space but also helps alleviate the stress of patients and healthcare workers."

与Well Foundation结缘:从个人到团队合作

疫情期间,Jax跟随父母在奥克兰的医院做义工,在这期间他与Well Foundation结缘。

Jax参与Well Foundation募捐的首个项目是家族病房(Whānau Family Rooms),其致力于在医院内为重病患者或需要临终关怀的患者,提供更为舒适的空间。

“这些患者需要一个独立的空间接受特殊的治疗,同时这些患者也格外需要亲人的陪伴。Whānau Family Rooms便为这些患者提供了这样一个包含独立治疗和亲人陪伴的空间,这是个非常有意义的项目。”Jax与Well Foundation对其理念不谋而合。

长期在养老院和临终关怀机构当志愿者的Jax深知心理疾病对老年人和病患的负面影响,因此他急切希望能够为这些群体提供更多帮助。在深入了解Well Foundation的募捐项目后,他自愿参与了另一个有益于改善患者心理健康的项目——疗愈花园(Healing Garden)。


正是通过参与疗愈花园募捐,Jax与Well Foundation建立了更深厚的联系。从独立个体变为团队一员,Jax与Well Foundation志同道合。他通过与Well Foundation的相处中领悟到团队合作的重要性,并为此推动了他的个人力量。

坚定和热忱,是Jax与Well Foundation深入合作后,对待公益事业的两个关键词。“我们每个人都是有能力为我们生存的社区做贡献,无论大小,只要参与其中,都会带来正向且积极的影响。”

在与Well Foundation的合作中,Jax也有了更多思考。而他的公益举措,也得到了“官方”的认可。



Jax参与疗愈花园募捐。 天维网记者摄

Becoming Connected with the Well Foundation: From Individual to Team Collaboration

During the pandemic, Jax volunteered with his parents at a hospital in Auckland, where he became acquainted with the Well Foundation.

The Whānau Family Rooms is Jax's first project with the Well Foundation, which aims to provide a more comfortable space for palliative care patients within the hospital.

"Palliative care patients need a separate space for specialised treatment, while also requiring the presence of their loved ones. The Whānau Family Rooms offer exactly that—a space that combines independent treatment with the comfort of family presence. This project holds significant meaning," shared Jax, whose ideals resonated with those of the Well Foundation.

Having volunteered extensively at retirement homes and hospices, Jax was acutely aware of the detrimental effects of loneliness and stress on elderly individuals and patients. Thus, he eagerly sought to offer more assistance to these groups. After gaining a deeper understanding of the Well Foundation's fundraising projects, he voluntarily joined another initiative aimed at improving patients' mental well-being—the Healing Garden.

"Loneliness and stress are major contributors to mental health issues, affecting both the elderly in retirement homes and patients in hospitals. They require green spaces to uplift their spirits and alleviate stress," reflected Jax, drawing from his past volunteer experiences.

Through his involvement in fundraising for the Healing Garden, Jax forged a deeper connection with the Well Foundation. Transitioning from an individual contributor to a team member, Jax found common ground with the foundation. His collaboration with the Well Foundation underscored the importance of teamwork, empowering his endeavors.

Determination and passion are the two key elements that define Jax's approach to charitable work in his extended collaboration with the Well Foundation. "Each of us could contribute to our community, regardless of scale. Any involvement can bring about positive and meaningful impacts," he emphasized during his collaboration with the Well Foundation.

"People like Jax, who dedicate themselves to charity at a young age, give me hope for the future of our community," expressed Ruth.


6月30日,Jax与家人一同前往了由Well Foundation举办的北岸医院大楼Tōtara Haumaru开幕仪式。站在自己所参与募捐的疗愈花园(Healing Garden)内,Jax感概万分。


Ruth也在疗愈花园内表达了不仅对于Well Foundation团队的感激,也同时致谢如Jax和Jax一家这样积极投入于公益项目募捐的年轻人和家庭。








Jax与家人在家族病房内合照。 天维网记者摄

The Positive Impact of Public Welfare Intiatives on Chinese Community

On June 30th, Jax and his family attended the opening of the Tōtara Haumaru building at North Shore Hospital hosted by the Well Foundation. Standing within the Healing Garden he contributed to, Jax was deeply moved.

"In the Healing Garden, I feel the tranquility brought by nature. Watching the vibrant greenery, my mind and body relax, and my stress eases. Seeing each of the projects I participated in fundraising for come to fruition, besides being touched, it strengthens my commitment to consistently engage in philanthropic activities in the future," Jax reflected.

Ruth also expressed gratitude within the Healing Garden, not only for the Well Foundation team but also extended thanks to young people and families like Jax's who actively contribute to fundraising for public welfare projects.

"These projects come to fruition not solely due to individual efforts but due to the contributions of all individuals, families, and organizations involved. Our community has become better because of these efforts," Ruth shared.

Jax witnessed the positive impact his efforts have brought to the community, whether it's the completion of the Healing Garden or the opening of the Family Rooms for patient care. He feels proud of this accomplishment: "As I watch each of the projects, I fundraised for come to fruition, I am filled with excitement and joy. I genuinely feel that my efforts are changing this community."

At the end of the event, Jax and his family joined Ruth in visiting the Family Rooms, which officially opened on July 1st.

"I believe that engaging in charitable work requires persistence, and young people should also be involved in the activities. This not only benefits personal growth but also increases our understanding of the communities we live in.

Jax expressed with excitement that he would invite Ruth to come to his high school for a speech, encouraging more young people like himself to join charitable works. 'The power of one person may seem small, but when individual efforts are consolidated, they can create infinite possibilities.'"


Ruth Morse是一位长期致力于公益事业的女性。在成为Well Foundation的CEO前,她将精力投入于以帮助改善医院环境和设备为主的慈善活动中。看到越来越多像Jax一样的年轻人加入公益事业,Ruth对社区的未来充满希望。




Jax与Ruth在疗愈花园内交谈。 天维网记者摄

与此同时,华人社群对新西兰慈善事业的参与,也是促进社区进步的一大关键。包括高中生Jax和Well Foundation CEO Ruth在内的许多个人及组织都在积极参与公益活动,并鼓励着更多华人参与其中。





Entering the World of Public Welfare: Participating in Charity to Improve Communities

Ruth Morse has devoted herself to charity work for many years. Before becoming CEO of the Well Foundation, she directed her efforts toward charitable initiatives focused on enhancing hospital environments and facilities. Witnessing more young people, such as Jax, getting involved in charity work fills Ruth with optimism for the community's future.

"Young people play a vital role in shaping our community's future. As more of them engage in charity fundraising and volunteer activities, our community will undoubtedly thrive."

Ruth believes that when young people participate in charitable endeavors, they experience a sense of empowerment and develop a commitment to contributing positively to their community's growth. Similar to Jax, they can genuinely feel that their efforts are effecting meaningful change and derive joy from their contributions.

Meanwhile, the involvement of the Chinese community in New Zealand's charity sector is also a significant key to promoting community progress. Many individuals and organizations, including high school student Jax and Well Foundation CEO Ruth, actively participate in charity activities and encourage more Chinese people to get involved.

"Whether it's volunteering or donating, the participation of more communities and organisations in charitable work is crucial for improving the communities we live in. The more people care about charity, the better our communities will become."

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